Sunday, June 18, 2017

Mohammedans, “Refugees”, Overtake America: Utica, N.Y., A Template; New Castle, PA Is Next Up. Patriots, Get Organized – Or Else! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Mohammedans, “Refugees”, Overtake America: Utica, N.Y., A Template; New Castle, PA Is Next Up. Patriots, Get Organized – Or Else! Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

THE notion of quoting any of Europe’s leaders for “words of wisdom” (other than heroic Geert Wilders) is a non-starter at this end. However, Czechoslovakia’s President Milos Zeman certainly qualifies as an exception, as does his counterpart, former Premier Vaclav Klaus.

ABOVE all else, both recognize non-PC truths, and are unafraid to unequivocally state them. No wishy-washy, finger-in-the-air declarations. They are willing to buck the herd of braying Europhiles – never mind their addled non-Euro western peers. Not only that, they internalize their premier role as leaders, that is, the protection of their citizens and the concomitant national interest. Now, what’s so hard to understand about that?? Plenty.
SIMILARLY, they expose the fallacious notion of “global citizenry” for what it is: a whole lot of dangerous hooey and phooey, coupled with all the intended consequences and blow-back! Clear as a bell.

It is time to start preparing the Czech republic at the exit from the European union, it is the only way to “keep and save our state”, said former president Václav Klaus. It bothers him procedure initiated by the European commission for mandatory quotas.
“Fundamentally and completely resolutely protest against the decision of EU to start with the Czech republic management because of the so-called disregard for the admission of migrants on the basis of the Brussels mandated quotas. We protest against the attempt to punish us and to force us to obedience,” said Klaus with the fact that the EU only shows what he has with the Czech republic intentions.
The Czech republic according to Klaus refuses to intention compulsorily dosidlovat the territory of the Czech republic foreigners. Klaus also doesn’t want to commit to the Czech republic happened a multicultural society according to him, the unruly communities…..
It’s the only way our state, which we inherited from our ancestors and which we have an obligation as a separate entity to pass on to future generations, to maintain and to save,” he added.

Zaorálek: Compulsory quotas are a Potemkin village

The head of Czech diplomacy, Lubomir Zaoralek (CSSD) on Tuesday strongly protested against the decision of the European commission to start with the Czech republic management because of the disregard of migration quotas….continue here….
IN a nutshell, the core difference and distinction between a nationalist vis-à-vis a globalist is expressed above.

THAT being established, this is where the (Euro) rubber meets the (American) road, so to speak. Effectively, if one concurs that importing Mohammedans from any point of origin – be it under the duplicitous cover of “refugees” or one visa program or another – is a net positive for America (and the west in toto) and reflects the democratic values of the country, well, the facts attest otherwise!
INESTIMABLY, the privilege (there is NO inherent right thereof) of becoming an American citizen (conversely, being able to keep it) requires a basic respect for the nation’s underlying values. Hence, newcomers must swear to an Oath of Allegiance. As such, integrating into the nation’s fabric is part and parcel. On the other hand, Mohammedans are not allowed to accept the law(s) of Dar al-Harb, as such, their values are as close to the national ethos as the moon is made of green cheese. That far. 
Image result for pics of sheikh saleh al fawzan
WHICH brings the most urgent crisis within the nation full circle: despite any political grandstanding, what exactly can millions of patriots expect – once the dust is settled – after waves of Islamic so-called “refugees” embed into all corners of the nation? Know that this is not a theoretical question, but one of practical application.
Image result for oh noes

When I moved back home (Utica, N.Y.) one of the first things I noticed was that an old Methodist church was being converted into a bright shiny white new mosque. The local paper touted this as immense progress and featured a local woman who had attended the church as a child and was positively brimming with joy it was being turned into a mosque. If that is the general sentiment, then it’s odd that my county went for Trump, right? There are at least two mosques in the city now. They just built another.
Where do I start? Utica had always been “the city that loves refugees” but under Obama things accelerated. Muslim immigrants were suddenly in these local bureaucratic positions where they had power over you. This, in what is probably one of the most corrupt states in the union, where the power of the state is everything.
The social worker at my daughter’s school was a Muslim immigrant. I looked for her profile on the school website, I googled her, I could not find information on her background, resume, qualifications, or educational attainments.
When I began to homeschool my daughter the administrator to whom I had to submit paperwork was a Muslim immigrant. To homeschool in New York State you must submit detailed quarterly reports to an administrator at your local school district. I googled the administrator. He also worked at the local Board of Cooperative Educational Services, but I could not find any other information on his background, resume, qualifications, or educational attainments.
I was friends with the wife of the Orthodox priest at our church, and she told me that this administrator found some problems with her paperwork and challenged her. It turned out she was right about the issue, and he backed down. Comfy little situation, right?
Right before we moved I went to the ER. The nurse practitioner was a Muslim immigrant (Bosnia), and the doctor she worked under was a Muslim immigrant (Pakistan). I remember how during the visit I suddenly became very aware of the cross I always wear around my neck……
So let me just summarize: the social worker at the school is Muslim, the administrator who ok’s homeschooling is Muslim, the CPS worker is Muslim, the nurse practitioner at the ER is Muslim, the doctor at the ER is Muslim. These are positions of authority that wield a lot of power.
Are you starting to get the picture?
The spring before we moved Utica made national news because of a federal grant to the local community college (two million dollars) for a (Muslim immigrant) professor to teach teenage (Muslim) refugees how to build drones. The grant didn’t mention explicitly that the drones would be equipped with bombs or anything, so it was all aboveboard. This was going on like down the road from us. My husband assured me he could shoot any drone out of the sky, and I’m sure he could, but curiously enough that didn’t assuage my anxiety, but only exacerbated it. The last thing I needed was my husband getting arrested on federal charges for taking down a drone.
I looked up the Muslim immigrant professor on Linked In. It was an odd career trajectory. It looked like he had been a soccer coach a few years before. It wasn’t exactly clear to me how he had landed his present job where he was getting federal money to train Muslims to build drones, but, hey, that’s the Obama era for you.
In 2015, a 26-year-old Bosnian refugee in Utica was arrested for supporting ISIS. The local paper reported that in his spare time when he wasn’t supporting ISIS, he enjoyed mixed martial arts fighting at the local gym. Local law enforcement complained they hadn’t been informed of the investigation. You know and I know that if anything happens, local law enforcement are the first responders.
I went to a couple Trump rallies and meetings in Upstate NY before we moved. When I mentioned the arrest of this ISIS supporter to a local businessman at one of the meetings, he got a very serious look and said Utica was full of ISIS and the local police were really worried. The Trump meetings were emotional. The organizer picked a donut shop whose owner was friendly to the Trump platform so we could talk. Everyone went around the table and introduced themselves. Two of the women cried. New York State is not doing well.
Don’t believe the Start-Up NY commercials. Potemkin Village.…..
The Department of Social Services in my area is swamped because of the refugees. 25% of the city are refugees. Virtually all of the refugees are on welfare. And when they apply for welfare, they don’t do so as an independent entity, as I did. They go through their refugee resettlement agency who deals with the Department of Social Services for them. So basically Americans get the short shrift, and refugees get taken care of. And that’s America. This is why so many Democrats voted for Trump. Americans are getting squeezed out by non-Americans at multiple levels.
What else to tell you?
New York State sued our local school district for trying to separate teenage refugees from the rest of the students. I went to a CLE where I sat next to a lawyer for the school district, and she was freaking out over this lawsuit. She was like, The state is coming after us, and we don’t have any money. My county is a Democrat county, and Trump won my county. Issues like this are why. Americans can see that they are being forced to accommodate non-Americans to their own detriment and expense.
There is TB in Utica. I’m sure there is more than reported. Obama stopped screening foreigners for TB, which America has been doing since before the days of Ellis Island, and the refugees are from places where TB is endemic. Whenever I was in a hospital- when I gave birth or when I went to the ER- I would be very aware of my surroundings.
The local Walmart is full of headscarves and burkas. I cried when I went into my first Walmart in North Carolina and all I saw were Americans.
The nice lady who asked me to give a talk a couple months ago on my hometown asked me if there were any refugees who were an “asset to the community”. I replied that they do not consider themselves part of your community, so if they are going to be an asset to any community, it is not going to be yours.
I hope I’ve presented an idea of why I’m so opposed to refugee resettlement. I couldn’t write this blog post where I’m from. I’d be scared that someone would target my house. I’d be scared of the authorities. I had to wait to get to higher ground to speak more openly.
North Carolina is like Heaven. People are so much happier here. I thank God every day we got here. I consider it a “free zone”, and I want it to stay free.

ALAS, increasingly, more and more cities, small towns, as well as rural enclaves (as one traverses up and down the nation’s corridors, aside from the well-known takeover of “Dearbornistan” ) will mirror, model-like, Utica, N.Y., that is, if patriots don’t impose their will and take back their communities! It is as simple as that.
SPEAKING of which, there is an IMMEDIATE danger at bay, and this time it hails from New Castle, Pennsylvania, an area with a population of approx. 26,000. It is a microcosm of “small town” (rural) America. Yup.

SO, what’s the upshot? A highly shadowy Islamic group (fronted by HIRA Educational Services, aka HESNA, via Asif Kunwar, founder and president, and Abdul Basit, vice-president, of which NOTHING is known about their professional bonafides, nor their associations thereof) is in the process of buying a property which is almost 150 acres, one which – up until Feb. 2013 – housed the Youth Development Center, aka YDC. As of this writing, their bid met the state’s deadline, and it was handed over for final approval. Yes, it is state-owned. Even so, where’s the meat and beef?
ASIDE from the alarming red flags pointed out here, here, here and elsewhere, patriots (wherever they reside in America) must promptly inquire: why would an Islamic so-called educational consulting company (never mind the smiling pics of all-American kiddies at their rabbit-hole site), one which is, no less, shrouded in secrecy, require a facility which resembles a “fortified compound?” Ominously, the property has underground tunnels, jails, 13 buildings, etc., all of which are enclosed within barbed wire fencing!! 
CURIOUS and curiouser….
ADDING fuel to the jihadi fire, what should one conclude from HIRA’s association with – and dependence upon – the Federal Erate program, in so far that the potential for fraud (in this case, read: jihadi money laundering) presents a clear and present danger? Know that Erate has a rampant history of fraud. Moreover, trust, this whistle-blowing connector can properly assess what is what. Take it to the bank….heart….
CONCLUSIVELY, since YDC is rural-like – coupled with the above alarm bells – doesn’t it mirror the set-ups of a growing laundry list of Islamic jihadi compounds spread out all over America? If not, why not?
DESPITE all the aforementioned perils (in tandem with Trump’s initial outrage, as detailed below), how is it possible that additional dangerous Mohammedans are about to infest the nation? 
The Trump administration is reportedly preparing to implement the deal with Australia. Under the terms, the U.S. will accept hundreds of unwanted Muslims rejected for asylum by the Aussies in return for several thousand Central American refugees awaiting resettlement at a U.N. camp in Costa Rica.
The deal was negotiated last summer by Obama’s Secretary of State, John Kerry. And Trump famously tweeted that he was going to study the “dumb deal” before accepting it.
Now, Trump is reported to be moving forward with the deal.
There’s only one problem, say refugee watchdogs.
These really aren’t refugees at all. They are illegal aliens who tried to sneak into Australia, were interdicted at sea and taken to an off-shore detention center in Papua New Guinea. They migrated from some of the world’s worst jihadist strongholds – in Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, Iran and Iraq.
The process of resettling these refugees, mostly men, is “well underway,” immigration analyst Nayla Rush reports for the Washington-based Center for Immigration Studies.
RESULTANT, the choices are as clear as they are stark. Urgently, pick a door….
  • Stop the infiltration and penetration process – by any means necessary – before countless Mohammedans resettle and takeover. 
  • Alternatively, be prepared to fight the already settled-in stampede, and with all the attendant costs of blood and treasure.
AS always, mental prep is as intrinsic as physical readiness. Thus, if a shot of fortitude is needed, crank it up:

TRENCHANTLY, don’t forget to internalize the peril this way too: is it healthier to prevent the cancer before it metastasizes, or post-spread??
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