Friday, June 16, 2017

FRIDAY Security Update: Can You Obstruct a Fraud? (HANNITY, TUCKER & RUSH)

FSM Must Reads + 2012 site

Now as you know, I'm a retired Army Soldier who's been in combat zones and faced enemy fire. I was dressing in peace in my home in Dallas. And then the news report came: one of my former colleagues, Rep. Steve Scalise had been shot.

Maybe Trump objected to the fraudulent notion, which Comey led the world to believe, that Trump was under investigation for collusion.

It appears that Mueller has realized that the investigation he has been chosen to oversee is a dead end. As a result, he is moving past investigating the possibility of collusion during last year's presidential election between Trump and/or his associates and people with ties to the Russian government.

The bribery scheme carried out by several Latin American governments and the Brazilian construction company "Oderbrecht" has made headlines.

During our 240-year history, several presidents have undertaken U.S. foreign policy initiatives that today bear their names.

"This Russian investigation has gone nowhere, so they're coming up with new charges," said Jay Sekulow, one of President Trump's attorneys.

Attorney Cheryl Nunez, who represents two [muiltated] children, a girl 11 and a boy 5, who are the kids of Dr. Jumana Nagarwala and her husband told a Juvenile Court Judge that the Mosque they all attend paid for Female Genital Mutilation procedures on girls.




FSM video  picks + 2012 site
·  Judicial Watch President on Whether Comey had Evidence that Loretta Lynch was Trying to Protect Hillary Clinton
·  LIMBAUGH: WaPo Wants To "Sweep this story under the rug" - This Whole GOP Baseball Shooting Story
·  Hannity: Viciousness from the left isn't going to end
·  TUCKER: Talks with Otto Warmbier's father: Thanks President Trump; North Korea crossed the line
·  Injured Capitol Hill Police Officer Bailey throws first pitch at Congress' ball game
·  Rep. Martha McSally speaks out after receiving threats

Monday's (June 12) White House Daily Briefing Spokesperson Sean Spicer


Confused by fake news? Get the real story here

Sean Spicer briefed reporters and responded to questions on a range of issues. He addressed the alleged tapes of conversations between President Trump and former FBI Director James Comey, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on the president's executive order on immigration and refugees, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions' upcoming testimony on Capitol Hill. At the top of the briefing, Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta updated reporters on workforce initiatives and job creation. (CSPAN)

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