Friday, April 29, 2016

The Unspeakable Hazards Imported By Islamic “Refugees”:Bodily Secretions & Sexual Jihadi Blow Back! Forewarned. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

The Unspeakable Hazards Imported By Islamic “Refugees”:Bodily Secretions & Sexual Jihadi Blow Back! Forewarned. Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

IT is inconceivable for far too many westerners to internalize the obvious: that unbridgeable cultural, religious and political norms – between non-Muslims and committed Muslims – are insurmountable. Deadly.

MORE specifically, with a billion plus adherents – and with countless infiltrating into western nations ala hijrah on a continuous basis – the gaping chasm is just too wide for enumerable to mentally bear. Understood. At the same time, many believe that if they ignore what amounts to a stampede of rampaging elephants they will just go away. Poof. But rational folks know that wishing doesn’t make it so, therefore, those who are allergic to bad news are advised: buck the hell up!! 

AS such, strengthening ones spine is more than a matter of physicality, it is decidedly linked to raising ones mental acuity. Thus, again, a “one stop” informational and educational policy paper stands at the ready, in order to internalize the whys and wherefores. Knowledge is power. Guaranteed.

IN tandem, it is an exercise in futility to expect committed Muslims to change course. Their twisted paths are what they are – centuries in the making! Hence, bone up on Islam and Blood, its inextricable linkage is mandatory western armor.

COMPLICATING the civilizational conflict is a main western value, and it underscores what is a complete anathema to followers of Islam: a “live and let live” attitude, that which is totally unacceptable to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists. Devastatingly so.

STILL yet, adding to the profound chasm is the insertion of a PC omerta from Islamic apologists and front-line soldiers for Allah – do or die!

RESULTANT, a two-pronged assault is always waiting in the wings. On the one hand, insidious punishments are meted out by officialdom, for daring to state the truth. Silencers. 

Concomitantly, militant Islamic jihad attacks are always in various stages of preparation to keep westerners in line. Nowhere is immune.

SO, imbibe the following warning from HUSSEIN Obama’s “legal” henchwoman:

The day after a horrific shooting spree by what appears to be a radicalized Muslim man and his partner in San Bernardino, California, Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged to a Muslim advocacy and lobbying group that she would take aggressive action against anyone who used “anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “edges toward violence.”

Speaking to the audience at the Muslim Advocates’ 10th anniversary dinner Thursday, Lynch said her “greatest fear” is the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric” in America and vowed to prosecute any guilty of what she deemed violence-inspiring speech….continue reading….
HEY Loretta….F U….

MOVING right along…millions of this site’s readership are duly familiar with the topic at hand, the relationship, ala obsession, between Islam and bodily fluids. Stipulated, blood is at the epicenter.

STILL yet, while westerners take it for granted that toilet paper is a hygienic part of one’s bathroom habits, how many understand that Muslims are not so inclined??

What, , what is this? It began in the 17th century when England sent its ambassador’s to establish both financial and diplomatic ties to the great Ottoman Empire. This long gone realm once ruled a great portion of the earth, stretching its rule out in all directions; from Turkey as far as Africa, India and into the western portions of Europe.

Through the passing centuries this Moslem Empire was ruled over by many powerful Sultans and it was a very rich and powerful kingdom. The roots of this empire dated back hundreds of years, to the time of wandering tribes and individual sects of nomads, eventually being united into one secular body by Mohammed. Consistent with all other earthly nations and empires, the Ottoman Empire was also made up of many different peoples. Each of these non conforming tribes brought with them into the empire all their many acquired practices and traditions, forging a very diverse and complex Empire.

These nomads were considered to be heathen by the western powers, for they lived a nomadic life, and when they did settle they were crude by the standards of western culture. But on the other hand, the diverse tribes also considered the western cultures to be heathen in nature and unsavory in character.

One of the many controversies that arose among this vast empire came about when western influence began to encroach into the Islamic way of life. This became obvious when the western culture began to introduce to its counter part the use of “TOILET PAPER,” yes I said “TOILET PAPER!”

The common practice among the Mohammedan’s and nearly every eastern person was to, and still is, to wipe themselves with their left hands, using sand or dirt whenever possible. Due to this practice, this “manner” became a natural part of life, and among the Mohammedan nations the left hand gained its importance in their society. Regardless of western thought, the use of the left hand carries a strong discipline with it, even unto this very day.

One of the logical outcomes of this practice was that all Mohammedan’s would only eat with the right hand, knowing what the left hand is used for. And if you were ever to break this tradition, you would soon find yourself rejected and an outcast and the reason for this is not difficult to understand.

For one of the severe Islamic punishments is to cut off the right hand, thereby rendering that individual a permanent outcast, because he can no longer eat with family or friends!

Now came western culture onto the eastern scene, carrying with them all their many articles of a so-called “advanced society,” and sure enough, toilet paper immediately became a controversy among all Islam. “Who were these western heathen dogs, opposing Ala, and His will,” was the cry among the eastern masses.

Sure enough, soon it was considered a great sin to use toilet paper too, well, clean ones self after a natural body function. By using toilet paper, the privy user then had the privilege to use the left hand to eat or serve with, which immediately identified and marked this person as a Godless heathen. Over the years, Toilet Paper slowly found its way into the Islamic culture and along with its use came division! This division still prevails this very day, and the breaking of this tradition still carries with it a heathen connotation!

Western society might think this to be very silly, but it is something very serious to a very powerful and very large group of religious people, even unto this very day!

There is no doubt, that Tradition plays a very strong role in all religious Perceptions, and often divides its so-called followers into many factions. Sometimes these factions will kill each other over their Traditions, yes, even over Toilet Paper!

May you “Wipe or Not Wipe” with paper, sand or leaves, a particular way or not at all, remember how easy it is to become a heathen in the eyes of others! In fact, if paper is your way, you’re a heathen right now, judged by Millions and maybe Billions!

AND now that that is cleared up, it gets worse. Dangerously so.

HOW many are aware that tens of thousands – climbing into the millions – of “refugees” – males and females alike – are defecating, urinating and letting loose their bloody byproducts

(won’t touch THAT aspect with a ten foot pole….use your own imaginations) within their “hosting” centers throughout the west, not even bothering to use designated toilet facilities! Kid you not.

Police were shocked to find blood, urine, feces, and semen smeared all over walls and floors and surfaces in a Muslim asylum center used for migrant housing in Germany, turning a nice, clean facility into a cockroach-infested, filthy slum.

Showers were covered in feces and urine stains

Police refused to sleep in a migrant shelter that had been cleared for them to stay in after they found the premises and beds soaked in urine, blood, feces, and semen. The officers were asked to stay in the former migrant home as their own police barracks was accommodating security team members attached to world leaders’ meetings with Obama.

Cockroaches everywhere and urine stained carpets

Photographs of the disgusting conditions in the rooms were posted on Facebook two days ago by the union for North Rhine-Westphalia Police.

The images showed spots of blood were dotted on a mattress, while what appeared to be feces was smeared on another, Junge Freiheit reported.

Blood-stained mattresses

Wet patches also covered the floors of the bunk bed accommodation and a large patch of vomit was stuck to the carpet.The post on the police union page described the accommodation conditions as ‘catastrophic’ and said cockroaches were seen eating leftover food.

Although it ‘welcomed the exchange of housing units’ during such events, it said organisers must ensure clean standards were met.

Police preferred to sleep in their vans among the giraffes at a zoo

Police  instead opted to stay in their vehicles while parked at a zoo – where they were yesterday seen being woken up by giraffes. Around 250 officers slept in their vans at the Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen, northern Germany, before the meeting of the G5 group of nations in Hanover.

Watch a Muslim woman take a poop on the floor of a hospital:

Muslim migrant takes a poop on the train:

TRUTH dare be told, aside from the obvious gross factor, how many internalize the HEALTH hazards accrued to westerners from Muslims via their animalistic behavior? Indeed, recall how many times western parents remind their kiddies to wash their hands after the toilet. 

Afterwards, imagine if a preponderance of westerners used this and that public space as a communal toilet! Then, cogitate (try not to regurgitate) over said irreconcilable differences between western norms and Islam’s followers. 

DID you think we were done with this hazardous waste topic? Not by a long shot.

AND this is where sexual jihadi BLOW BACK comes in. Literally. Indeed, this investigative journalist has exposed this fatwa-driven topic countless times…..sexual and slave jihad alike. 
ALAS, doesn’t it appear obvious as to why Allah’s Muslim terrorists (oh, this time it was new “refugees” but non “refugees”, who happen to be Muslim, have done the same) feel “entitled” to not only rape – gang-bang style – western women at will, but even while on the toilet?

This was in Vienna, Austria. After breaking down the restroom door, they smashed her head into the toilet bowl and forced her mouth into the ground before taking turns raping her.

Something that you will notice about Muslim sexual assaults against non-Muslim (and particularly western women) is that they involve some kind of (a) group sex or (b) feces. This is no accident, but deliberate. It is a fact seldom discussed in the modeling world that non-Muslim women who prostitute themselves to Arab men, especially in Dubai, have reported being coerced to perform (albeit for large sums of money) some of the most vile sex acts imaginable (if they could even be called sex acts), many times with the tamest involving feces or urine and getting worse from there- things that even many prostitutes will not do. Yet notice at the same time these same Muslims will never involve their women in it….continue reading the whole horrific truth….

MOST significantly, isn’t the above another nail to slam shut the doors against Islamic “refugees”, be they couched under migrants, or whatever program they are hidden under? What about the clash of civilizations? If not, why not?

AS disquieting, discomfiting and otherworldly as it is, well, patriots must immediately ask themselves: are they willing to gamble on the overall health of their loved ones, being that even “toilet habits” of Islamists are seeping into the western domain, let alone risk the very lives of their women and kiddies? 

UNARGUABLY, they are in GRAVE danger, whether in Europe, America or another western nation!

FORTHWITH – get busy!
Rape victim

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