Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Main Danger for Europe

The Main Danger for Europe

By: Y.K. Cherson
A street in Manningham, England. (Photo credit: Paul Wilkinson)
A street in Manningham, England. (Photo credit: Paul Wilkinson)

A wave of Islamization rolls over Europe, hardly meeting any resistance. Statistics are grimmer and more hopeless every day. A demographic collapse passed from being a forecast to being a reality: the number of children in European families does not exceed 1.4, while in immigrant families from Islamic countries it is almost thrice higher: 3.6.

Of the total number of babies in Western Europe about 20% are born into such families. The most popular male name for a newborn in Brussels is Muhammad. In Germany the number of births has fallen lower than in the last year of WW2. Fifteen percent of the military personnel in the French Army are Muslims. In the Swiss Army their share is even higher: 20%.

In France, one of the European countries worst-hit by Muslim immigration, Muslims from Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa exceed 15% of the total population. Extrapolating current demographic trends, it is expected that by 2025 their share will grow to 25%. As Muslims vote by a monolithic bloc, while native votes are politically dispersed, sociologists point that they, even being in minority, can take under control both the legislative and executive branches of power.

All the Western world shuddered over the words by the famous Bernard Lewis , who warned that by the end of the century, Europe would be Islamicized. Such an outcome, with current demographic trends, seems inevitable, and the journalists and writers mainly discuss three scenarios, how it will happen:
      1. Gradual colonization of Europe accompanied by the constantly growing political and cultural influence of Islamic immigrant diaspora, who will capture all the heights in economic, political and cultural life. This process will accelerate while native collaborationists will be joining the victors in order to participate in splitting the trophies. That it will be so is proven by the fact that each year about 50,000 French convert to Islam. Genderless Europe, lost in fruitless discussions about “rights” and “tolerance” will surrender without hardly any resistance, and Europeans will become second-class unwelcomed guests in their own countries. This is the outcome predicted by the French writer Jean Raspail in his The Camp of the Saints
      1. Military conquest. Based on their quickly growing numerical advantage and religious fanaticism, Muslims will conquer European countries and ruthlessly oppress any and all attempts of the conquered to resist and convert women and children to Islam, reducing all who refuse to the position of “Dhimmies”- half-slaves who are doomed to live only by the mercy of their Muslim masters.
      2. Civil war, when a part of the population, faced with the perspective of the destruction of their civilization and their countries, unite around the right-wing parties and start the fight. On the other side there will be an army of Muslims, most of them born in Europe but ideologically brainwashed by those sent from Saudi Arabia and other ideological centers of Islamic mullahs. It will be a true religious war, and what it means can be seen in the example of Germany, which had lost 2/3 of its population during the Thirty-Years War.
All three scenarios generously rewarded both writers, journalists, sociologists and politicians with money and publicity for numerous books, articles and speeches at the International Forums, but all three share the same problem; their reality cannot be evaluated. One of the reasons is that they are based on demographic forecasts, that have always been something more related to voodoo than to real science.

Muslim women on the Champs-Elysées
Muslim women on the Champs-Elysées

During the last two centuries, all attempts to forecast the dynamics of the population movement invariably ended in failure. Demographic trends are of a cyclic nature, and nobody can be sure where they will turn and what their results will be in the future.

Another reason is that Islamic world is not immune to demographic factors either. In the last two decades, the birth rate among Muslims is rapidly falling, and in immigrant families in Europe this trend is even more pronounced. Demographically, the Muslim diaspora in Europe just lags behind the native European population but demonstrates an absolutely similar trend to smaller families. Two or three generations more, and the quantity of the cannon fodder will not be sufficient for feeding the idea about an “Islamic Caliphate.”

And finally, the Muslim diaspora in Europe is not something monolithic. Most French Muslims are Arabs, Berbers and Africans from former French colonies; in Britain Muslims are mainly from Pakistan and Bangladesh, and German Muslims are mostly Turks and Kurds. For them Arabs are historic enemies, and they remember it very well. Add to this the differences between Sunnis and Shi’a Muslims; to form a united front of these very different and openly antagonistic groups is practically impossible.

However, this does not mean that Muslims have no chances to conquer Europe. The main danger for Europe is Europe itself. 


Under the pressure from their own people who, seeing the results of the policy of multiculturalism, they call for tolerance for practically anything immigrants do because “we owe them for centuries of colonization.” After an alarming delinquency growth, especially rapes, there is an evident shift to the right, and European governments start to toughen immigration policies. But no matter how tough, this policy all the same will let immigrants live a lot better than how they lived in their countries of origin. And they will not go back; more probably, they will start active fighting in order to make the Western governments and Western people go on letting them comfortably push Europeans out of their own countries, rape white women in Britain, Sweden and Denmark by the hundreds, cut the heads off British soldiers in broad daylight in London and shoot French soldiers in the streets of Toulouse.
The West has already seen the reaction of Muslim immigrants to any attempts to make them comply with Western laws and norms… in Paris in 2005, in Lampedusa, in Rome…. Just making some changes here and there will not help; the entire system must be changed.

Europe today is surprisingly similar to Ancient Rome before its fall; immense wealth, using the cheap labor of modern “slaves”- immigrants- leaving millions of native  people, citizens of the country, on welfare (a modern equivalent of the Roman giving bread and wine to the poor), moral decadence, degradation of the people who find it quite normal to live without working and who find special pride in successfully cheating the society to make it pay them more, alcohol, drugs… And of course, constant and endless talks about “freedom” and  “democracy” which have reached such heights that now the West is quite seriously talking about the legalization of incest and pedophilia… And the so-called “light drugs” like marijuana, which destroy the brain and personality of a human being, are already legalized; the next step will be legalizing other drugs, follow the ads.

Women want to have sex but without such unpleasant and annoying consequences as children, preferring to take care of dogs, cats and other pets instead of taking care of their own children, and the governments approve this, propagating “save sex.” It’s not only the elites that degraded; this would be unpleasant for high society- but not mortally dangerous for the moral health of the nation as a whole. Now this degradation has spread to the people.

Without changing the general concept of the basic principles of our society, without putting an end to the liberal nonsense about the superiority of an individual over the rights of society, without ending the practice of putting the rights of immigrants above the rights of the native people, citizens of the country, and instead of directing social funds on aid to native families with three or more children, and by instead, directing these funds to helping immigrant families – (in Denmark, for example, Muslim immigrants make up just 5% of the population but enjoy 40% of the total amount of the national social aid programs)- the process of the Islamization of Europe cannot be stopped.

Related Reading:
Muslim Immigration: Preparing the Attack
The Goal of Muslim Immigration According to Muhammad’s Teachings
EU Using Immigration As a Weapon: Interview with Václav Klaus
Britain’s Fate Is Sealed Following Muslim Baby Boom
Muslim Immigration a Big Factor in Sweden Democrats’ Win
The Islamisation of England, One Town at a Time
Mass Immigration Affects the Native Population: Do Politicians Care?
How the West Is Committing Financial Suicide

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