Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sacrifice The Soldier - Save The Union Boss! [by Ralph Peters]

"The left's tactic is straightforward: Compare military retirement benefits to those in the private sector. And when you do, you bet the military looks like it's getting a good deal. But wait a minute: The UPS driver servicing my neighborhood does a good job, but he doesn't face roadside bombs on the average workday. The bank officers who handled my mortgage behaved with integrity and skill-but they don't have to deal with suicide bombers. The manager down at the supermarket rarely engages in a deadly firefight...."

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Family Security Matters Contributing Editor Ralph Peters is a retired Army officer (and former enlisted man), and an author. The latest of his 26 books, The Officers' Club, a novel set in the post-Vietnam Army, was published in January.

Sacrifice The Soldier - Save The Union Boss!

Dems don't defend nation, but protect their voter base.

by Ralph Peters

American leftists are mobilizing in defense of their sacred values: corruption, cowardice and concessions to contributors. For the left, those who have served their country are irrelevant.


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